Sunday, January 09, 2005

Did not get much time to implement and obviously to blog !!

But late in night thought of implementing only a Logger.

Logger is a program which will log (or blog !!) or writes to a file configured.

Extending to this feature, just added a ResourceBundle from which it will obtain the key String and just write it to a file.

Usage of ResourceBundle helps in i18n, for you can configure more than one bundle using different

ResourceBundle has a key/value pair Strings written in a
file , something like
(Struts users will be more familiar with this name !). It contains the strings like:

key.username.invalid=Invalid User Name

For logging, a most common method viz., log(String stringToBeLogged) is used.

Logger makes use of Key for stringToBeLogged and gets the Value and writes it to a file.

Still have plans to implement following:

1) Digester , for parsing of XML and using it as a configuration file like that of web.xml

2) Context for getting the servlet context..

3) Loader to load all the classes configured in web.xml

and much more... somthing like JSP compiler or
JSP Engine.

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