Sunday, December 26, 2004

It all happened on Friday night 3:30 am (early morning !). But could not blog as we had to go for trip and did not get time.

It took so much time to blog this. I hope nobody is missing this(missing not even me!!).

The web-server was earlier responded to the Servlet programs which extended Servlet,
now it also responds to the modern servlet which extends HttpServlet.

Thats really nice !!

Going still further, the query string is also parsed and set to request parameters.
And we can now set and get request parameters !!

This all an HashMap, i.e., a key/value pairs. For setting parameters it takes two objects(values) one is key and the other is value. As the signature of the method goes..

public void setParameter(Object key,Object value);

Add the key and value to the hash map.

And for getting the parameters value, you need to provide the key.

As the signature of the method goes..

public Object setParameter(Object key);//returns the value.. for key

Similar kind of implementations for Cookies and Session will take place today.

One more thing, This is not the exact implementation of the Tomcat which i am studying right now. I just read the explaination for the things to be done and the UML diagrams, so implemented it in my own programs.

Just the crude thing !!

There are still no packages made, it is just some 6 programs working for me.

Still if someone cares to see the code with UML diagrams, can mail or just add comments will get them(of course with their email id !!).

After some more implementation, blogs will come up!!

Thanks for all the comments and encouragement u all have given!!

Merry Christmas and Enjoy !!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Know not why whole day never felt hungry !! didnt eat anything .At about 10 pm i wandered the chord road on my cycle for an hour.

Yesterday JerryMouse began to digest some more things! It now can run a Primitive Servlet , i.e, a class which implements Servlet.(Not HttpServlet ! thats a bit modern.)

But in night around 12(is the time which we used to go for Tea in RC !! remember?), some rats(Jerry - The Mouse!?) began to wander in my empty stomach!! it was time to have some tea and bun.

Began to think of designing issue, may be i should start reading Larmann . As usual(!) time was a constraint had to shutdown the PC and slept till 6 am.

Late to bed, early to rise !!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

JerryMouse 's Birth

On Thursday i decided to write my own web-server to learn how tomcat works.
Thus began the journey. Did night out on Friday and a set of programs began to listen on port 8080
(pretty famous port !!) and a Request and Reponse were created.
Saw the result on browser (ya the same IE !).

Now shows only HTML pages under the WEB-INF(As an infant, it consumes only milk !!).

Thinking of a name to the infant, but now calling it as Jerry Mouse(Its just a name, nothing to do with Tom-cat!! can u believe?).

Thus the Jerry Mouse was born!!

The Major part is remaining Still!! The Servlet Engine and later on JSP Engine.

Night outs will commence.....Jerry Mouse will grow !!